How To Get More Facebook Fanpage Likes In Under 15 Minutes

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Yes, it’s true. Even if you have a small or new facebook fanpage without a lot of likes, you can still make it go viral and get more likes to your fanpage and your actual post.

How do I know?

Cause I just did it a couple days ago.

It didn’t happen by accident though. There were some very strategic steps I took after posting.

A lot of business owners and entrepreneurs looking to get more likes to their fanpages think all they have to do is post over and over again and that’s it. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

The truth of the matter is like everything, you have to not only put out good content that’s engaging, you’re also responsible for promoting what you put out there.

So how did I do it?

How did I get 30 new likes on a newer fanpage and get over 70 post likes with nearly 44% of the views being viral (meaning, not my effort to get it in front of those people)?

It comes down to a couple core actions that I did.

Here’s what I did to get more Facebook fanpage likes on one of my fanpages.

  1. Post something personal and engaging that resonates with your core audience
  2. Use engaging  images or video to truly get attention
  3. Tag specific people you’re connected to that are interested in the topic of the post (this puts your post on their timeline and in front of their audience)
  4. Click the share button underneath the post and share on your own timeline, friends’ timelines that wouldn’t mind you sharing, and especially Facebook groups you’re involved in.

Don’t know how to do this?

No worries, this video will show you how. Now it’s just a matter of you trying it out and taking action.

Now that you saw this video, I’ll ask you to do one thing.

Comment below and let me know which of the strategies I covered about getting more fanpage likes that you’ll be taking action on. Feel free to post your fanpage too so I can check it out (as long as it’s appropriate).

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