What Valentine’s Day Means For Your Small Business Lead Generation

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It’s Valentine’s Day today and there is a lot to celebrate. It’s a time to celebrate your loved ones and the people blessed to be in your life.

But, what many small business owners forget to appreciate on this day is their business itself. You see, there’s more similarities between your small business and your relationships than you may think.

I’d like to let you in on something pretty interesting. As you may know, my wife and I have been married for 10 years. I actually got married when I was just 21 years old (pretty young by my friends’ standards at the time).

Let me tell you that it’s the best thing that I’ve ever done.

However, before I ever got to the point of marriage and even meeting my wife, I admittedly dated a few girls.

I learned at an early age that having prospective life partners during my dating life would be a good thing since I didn’t know who I was looking for yet. As I got older, I started defining more and more what I wanted in that special woman (and also what I didn’t want).

In fact, it’s because of those experiences that I was able to wholeheartedly commit to my wife once the time had come. She was (and is) everything I wanted and more. If I had never had any experience with dating or prospecting, I may not have been ready when my wife came along.

So what does this have to do with business?

Small Business Lead Generation Is Vital To Get Ideal Customers!

Business is a lot like relationships and marriage. There’s a time for prospecting and then there’s a time for commitment.

Most small businesses have to go through some prospects in order to find the ideal client.

But guess what? Some small businesses are like the stinky kid in the corner that girls actively avoid. Is your business like that?

So how do you handle prospecting whether or not you’re that kid? It’s easier than you think.

  1. Provide Value Up Front – if you provide value to your prospects up front without asking anything significant in return, you stand out from the crowd and become more attractive to customers
  2. Continue Building The Value Over Time – like marriage, you don’t show off up front and then stop doing everything that made your spouse fall in love with you. That’s the ingredient to a horrible relationship. Business is the same. Think about ways to continually wow your prospects until they commit to becoming your customer!
  3. Connect With Others Who Have The Hook Up – the best way to generate leads for your small business is by tapping into other people or businesses who have the same audience. It’s like the high school friend that has a popular brother. He knows everyone and can get you access to your crush.

If you’re able to make changes and adjustments to the way you do business, you’d improve the possibilities to get more “dates” and eventually committed customers ready and willing to do business with you. As you can see, small business lead generation is simple when you put it in the perspective of other valuable relationships.

Are you showing love with your business? Share your ideas on how you nurture your customer relationships.

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