Grow Your Business By Making Connections, Not Promotions

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When’s the last time you strategically chose to grow your business by making connections rather than just focusing on promotions?

Don’t get me wrong, promotion is valuable. Every great business has an element of promotion, but for expert businesses like yours and mine, it’s critical to be all about creating genuine connections.

You're one connection away from your dream client

Whether that’s a joint venture opportunity, whether that’s a client, whether that’s somebody that’s going to open a door for you, you’re just one connection away from the destiny that you have through your business.

That doesn’t happen if you want to promote. That doesn’t happen if you’re just getting out there and looking at what you can DO. It’s about clients. It’s about people.

You keep thinking, “I need another paycheck and I need to close another deal.” To the point where you’re so driven by that outcome that you forget that it’s about connecting with humans. You’ll find that if you get really good about connecting with humans, about connecting with people, about taking an interest in them about knowing them before ever asking for anything, suddenly opportunity will find you.

Suddenly, you have opportunities to get referrals, opportunities for joint-ventures, opportunities to create other solutions with other people. Think about how you’re approaching the relationships. Think about the connections that you have. Some of you are doing Facebook live and some of you are doing Instagram stories. But are you making genuine connections? Or are you just promoting what you do and promoting your business?

Two men shaking hands over a deal

You are one relationship away from the business and the life you want, so choose to connect to people rather than promoting to people.

And if you have questions, make sure you comment here or DM me on Instagram @AlexNavasPro.

I’m here for you. I’m in your corner.

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